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Computer Sound Effects

Modern, dated, and sci-fi computer sound effects including hard drive spins, fan shut downs, start up chimes, keystrokes, button pushes, system scans, mouse clicks, and more. Note that user interface sounds can be found in their own category.


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Extended Techniques in Sound

Extended Techniques in Sound



Odyssey Collection: Machines

Odyssey Collection: Machines

Odyssey Collection: Expanded

Odyssey Collection: Expanded

Odyssey Collection: Essentials

Odyssey Collection: Essentials

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Iomega Jaz, Hard Drive, Start, Long Run, Stop, Spin Up and Down, Resonant Whir, Head Seek Clicks, Contact Mic, Low Electronic Hum, Buzz, Whine, Mechanical Ticks, Chatter, Chirp, Digital Data Process

Computers · Hard Drive

3.5 Inch IBM Computer Deskstar Drive, Start, Run, Stop, Disk Spin Up and Down, Electronic Tone, Whir, Click, Static Burst, Various Runs, Cycling Pulses, Induction Coil Pickup, EMF, Hum, Buzz, Whine, Scratch, Chatter, Chirp, Digital Data Process, Perspectiv

Computers · Hard Drive

Electromagnetic RF Interference, Radio Static, Electronic Noise, Glitch, Transmitter Reciever, SOMA Labs Ether, Telemetry, Tech Ambience, Retro Computer Scans

Computers · Misc

IBM Computer Disk Drives, Formatting, Beeps, Mechanical Ticks and Patter

Computers · Hard Drive

Computer Keyboard, Typing and Clicking, Springy Ring, Several Versions

Computers · Keyboard & Mouse

Computer Printer, Toshiba P1351, Single Page Advance without Paper, Steady Servo Runs, Many Variations

Computers · Misc

Computer Gears Spin, Rhythmic, Repetitive Whirring Movement

Computers · Misc

PowerBook Duo 280, Start, Chime, Hard Drive Chatter, Motor, CU

Computers · Hard Drive

Computer, Fan, Typing, Modem Tone, Dialing, Beeps, AOL Greeting

Computers · Keyboard & Mouse

1990 Mac Computer, Insert and Handle Disk, Clicks

Computers · Misc

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