Wild Voices

Wild Voices

Nature sound objects for sound designers: Isolated wildlife vocalizations perfect for spatial audio.

1,430 files · 10.8 GB · Metadata

1 User License · Need more? Get a quote

Featured sounds

Wood Thrush, Hylocichla Mustelina, Musical Flutelike Song, Soft Throaty Notes At Head, Bright Trill At Tail, Songbird

Animals · Wild

Gray Wolf, Canis Lupus, Lonesome Howls, Small Pack

Animals · Wild

Southern Leopard Frog, Lithobates Rana Sphenocephela, Guttural Chucking Notes, Cackles, Stutters

Animals · Wild

Linneuss 17-Year Periodical Cicada, Magicicada Spetendecim, Song, Low-Pitched, Nasal Drone That Drops In Pitch, Wheeeeoooo

Animals · Wild

American Alligator, Alligator Mississippiensis, Deep Sonorous Growls Or Bellows, Slow, Males During Breeding Season

Animals · Wild

  • Save 60% with the library
  • compared to buying individual sounds


Wild Voices offers something unique in the world of animal sound effects: an exhaustive catalog of discrete, isolated animal vocalizations with all background sound removed for easy editing and immersive spatialization. Whether you need to place individual bird calls in a Dolby Atmos mix, build an authentic chorus of frogs and insects, or design fantasy creatures grounded in reality, this detailed sound effects library has all the material you need.

Created by expert field recordist and seasoned naturalist Lang Elliott, along with recordist Wil Hershberger, Wild Voices covers 383 species of birds from across North America; plus nearly 150 species of frogs, toads, insects, mammals, and reptiles. With an average of two to three different vocalizations for each species, plus multiple variations per file, you’ll never run out of options. All files have been meticulously de-noised and de-reverbed without sacrificing any detail, leaving only the crystal-clear hoots and howls, chirps and croaks, & screams and roars you need.

Product details

1,430 files (10.8 GB)
Categories (UCS)
1 category (see note)
Content list
Works with any editing software or search software that supports WAV files
Lang Elliott & Wil Hershberger

Binaural spatialization examples

These sound objects can be easily added to any surround-sound format (including stereo) using modern spatialization software. For demonstration purposes, we have created the following “binaural” examples using DearVR Pro in conjunction with Apple’s Logic Pro. Note that all sound objects have been drawn from Wild Voices, while the binaural ambient beds have been selected from Lang Elliott’s personal collection. Please listen with headphones.

More info + tips for usage

Product Rationale

Exploring and Discovering New Sounds

Spatialization Basics

Dolby Atmos Object-based Workflow


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